Research interest is...


[Experimental electrical vehicle]
Interesting sound.

[Experimental electrical bicycle]
We don’t press the pedal down with our foot to operating the electrical bicycle.

Bifurcation in Nonlinear systems with discontinuous characteristics


case a: The system flow is continuous for each region, but non-smooth across the switching manifold.
case b: The system flow is discontinuous for each region, and non-smooth across the switching manifold.

a or b.1: The switch is controlled by periodic signal.
a or b.2: The switch is controlled by state variables.
a or b.3: The switch is controlled by a threshold of the state or a periodic interrupt.

Analyzing method of above systems(local and global bifurcations)

[Piecewise smooth systems]

Relationship between discreate map and continuous system.

[Border-collision bifurcation]

Analyzing method.
m-piece chaotic attractor.

[DC-DC converters / Magnetic nonlinear transient analysis]

Related Topics is organized by some researchers.

[A Rayleigh type oscillator with a state-dependent switch]

Period doubling bifurcation-1: Cascade of the period doubling bifurcation.
Period doubling bifurcation-2: Cascade of the period doubling bifurcation.
Tangent(Saddle-Node) bifurcation-1: Period-1 -> Tangent bifurcation -> period-2.
Global bifurcation-1 called crisis: Period-1 -> Global bifurcation -> period-6.
Various bifurcations: 30MB…


[Electric FireFly]

Coupled EFFs-1:
In-phase synchronization -> A synchronous phenomena -> In-phase synchronization.

Coupled EFFs-2:
In-phase synchronization -> A synchronous phenomena -> In-phase synchronization.

[Pet bottle oscillator]

Single pet bottle osc.:

Coupled pet bottle osc.:
Stable in-phase synchronization.

[Controlling Chaos]

Non-autonomous systems
Nonlinear systems with discontinuous characteristics


BVP osc. with periodic force-1:
chaos -> control ON -> 3-periodic orbit -> control OFF -> chaos.

BVP osc. with periodic force-2:
chaos -> control ON -> 3-periodic orbit.

Rayleigh-type oscillator with a state-dependent switch:
chaos -> control ON -> 1-periodic orbit.